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The term "customer experience," abbreviated as "CX," refers to the subjective reaction that a customer has after having some kind of engagement, either directly or indirectly, with a company. It takes into consideration every aspect of our excursion, boat tour, yacht rental, product, or service, including customer service, promotion, response to questions, features, payment, rates, and availability. The expectations of our consumers, which are almost always determined by the experiences they have had in the past, have a considerable bearing on the quality of the service we provide. 

Our company's social credibility is enhanced, and potential clients are left with a pleasant image, when we have a large number of reviews that are positive. Customers-to-be is more likely to trust our company and feels at ease making a purchase from you when they read positive evaluations because they are aware that others who have made purchases from our travel agents have had positive experiences.

Over the course of the years, we have amassed reviews, and the tale just keeps on growing and continuing.

Dubrovnik Old Town tour. Discover Croatia with Tendo Luxury Travel.

xplore hidden caves & crystal-clear waters on our Dubrovnik private boat trip

Hidden beauties of Elafiti Islands - private boat tour to Dubrovnik islands - Elafiti

Dubrovnik yacht tours. Bespoke itineraries & luxury service with Tendo.

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Browse our boat tours

Dubrovnik team building boat tour

 Speedboat tours from Dubrovnik. Explore the Elaphiti Islands with Sea Ray 240 Sunsport and Cap Camarat 9 WA
Allow our staff to customize your vacation using their one-of-a-kind approach to organizing team building activities.

Would you like to increase the motivation of your employers and empower the work that your team does? Would you like to bring a smile to the faces of your children, friends, or family members? Employees who participate in effective team building g

Dubrovnik waterfront dining

brown houses near body of water
Enjoy in a memorable dining experience in one of waterfront restaurants

Island Mljet - Land of Green

Stunning Mljet National Park, Croatia.  Dubrovnik day trips with boat available.
Visit the greenest island on the mediterrian. The stories about Island Mljet attractions: Lakes, Odyssey and nymph Calipso, Apostle Paul, Benedictine monks and the Mediterranean Seal are jus

This one-of-a-kind private boat tour is designed to showcase the natural wonders and untamed wilderness of the island of Mljet in the best and most entertaining way possible over the course of a whole day spent on the water in either a speed boat

Odysseus's island (private boat tour to sea cave on island Mljet )

Book a boat tour from Dubrovnik & see this breathtaking view.
Private boat tour around Island Mljet. Have you heard about Odysseus, great m

Have you heard about Odysseus, the great mythical Greek hero and king of Ithaca? According to one of the many legends, Odysseus was shipwrecked on the island of Mljet and lured by the nymph Calypso in the cave where he became her hostage. With thi